Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My little Big girl.

On July 30th, Avery turned 18 months!  Wow.  I really do have a toddler now and absolutely love this stage!  She is a walking sponge with a vocabulary that seems to be expanding hourly.  We have more fun with her every day, amazed by the things she now understands and her ever-exploring attitude.  She has a laugh that's contagious and a hilarious sense of humor!  Some of which includes throwing food to the pups while knowing that's not allowed.  Her slight smirk and wink of the eye lets us know that yep...she knows.  Usually, we try hard to hide our laughter.  After all, we're the parents, right?  ;)

Personally, one of the most exciting changes would be her new-found attachment to me!  Finally I say, finally she has grown clingy to me!  That's right...I LOVE every bit of this and hope it lasts forever!  ;)...

Words she can now say:
Ner Ner
Flower* ("fow-er")
Dora (always said in a very high pitch!)
Boots* ("boo")
Daisy* ("day-ee")
Wall Ball
Bar* ("bah")
Please* ("peeeeace")
Ruff Ruff
Bath* ("bah-th")
Poof Poof
Grandad* ("gan-da")

I know I am missing quite a few words but I'm telling you, she is learning them so quickly these days!  And yet we still get so excited every time we hear a new one!

She had her 18-month well visit at the doctor today and did excellent!  She only had one shot and was more upset about this one than any of the previous ones.  One down side of being so much more "aware".  Poor little pumpkin!

Weight - 27lbs!  (75th percentile)
Height - 32.5 inches (75th percentile)

I'm such a big girl that now I can play in the toy area!

1 comment:

  1. umm you left out a VERY important word... "Mer"! :) And yes, I read this religiously.
