Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Juror #5.

Just when I thought life was getting pretty busy, Jury Duty called.  It was the first time I've ever gone through the process and I must say, it was a lot better than I anticipated. 

I did not like the time away from my kids and I did not like having to pay a sitter more than I would be making sitting on a jury (I'm still awaiting my $18.00 check).  However, the experience was intriguing and one I was glad to have participated in.  After all, it is my civic duty, right?  ;)

Was it a waste of my time?  Yes and no.  But if you can accept the phrase "the bad guys ruin it for everyone", it serves as the foundation for that proclamation.  Regardless, if I have any part in putting the rule breakers behind bars then...........cool!  I'll take it.  And rule breakers they were.  When I found out the crime in question was less than 1 mile from my new house, it was difficult not to focus on a guilty verdict immediately.  Don't worry, we got to that guilty verdict in just a few short hours.

Amongst that civic calling, we have had a pretty low key week trying to recover from the intensity of our vacation.  Even still, we've been having fun and enjoying our days.  Here's a little look at a few highlights!

"Could I get a booster seat people??"
Warner trying rice cereal for the first time.  Not overly impressed!
"Is this 2-ply?"
"Yes.  I really am this cute."
"I know I don't look happy about it but trust me, I love my new books, Auntie Leona!  Thank you!"

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