Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Misson: Bottle Weaning. Mission: Success.

For those who know the details behind my attempts to bottle wean, you would find true appreciation in this entry and accomplishment. 

It is safe to say that Avery has officially been weaned from the bottle!

She did not seem ready to let go of her emotional attachment to her bottle when our doctor matter-of-factly suggested it at her 12 month appointment.  And to be honest, I don't think I was either.  It's had its direct benefits to me also and frankly, they weren't easy to say goodbye to.

Within a month's time, the Morrison household faced a lot of extra tears, temper tantrums and money wasted on sippy cups that just didn't do the trick.


Before we knew it, Warner was here and another non-ideal time to give up bottles.

But this last month I noticed an unexpected window of opportunity!  Instead of stealing Warner's bottles for an added top off to hers, she would choose to share her own bottle with him!  Yes, yes it's true!  A sweet-hearted big sister and a little girl outgrowing an emotional clutch.

So last Monday I made up my mind and have stuck to it.  Bottle count to date?  ZERO.  With little tears and next to no tantrums.  The timing I feel......was perfect.

I know some moms face this transition with ease but it taught me to trust my instincts not as "a mom" but as "Avery's mom" and act accordingly.  I will use this small but significant experience as a great learning tool for future parental obstacles.  I have a feeling a few might creep up on me!  ;)

And of course...way to go Avery!! 

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