Thursday, January 20, 2011

Keeping it interesting...

If climbing 12 flights of stairs, two at a time, in heels, carrying a 7lb baby doesn't induce labor...then at least I am getting a head start on getting back to my pre-pregnancy body!

It's been my new daily routine when at work and worth a shot. I am trying almost everything. Last night I had pineapple for dinner with a side of tonic water (thanks for that suggestion Jen!)...three glasses over the last week hasn't done much though and boy is it gross. hahaa! It's fun to try a few different things but at the end of the day, I know nothing will happen until my body is truly ready. Blah blah blah. ;)

The nausea returned abruptly at 3am last night but regardless, I am in great spirits! Feeling a lot more motivated at work and thankful for the distraction! Not to mention, tonight is dinner with the BS Group ladies and I am ALWAYS happy to see them! And tomorrow is 38 weeks annnnd I have a scrapbook class on Sunday! A nice little schedule on tap...

Oh! And for all of you who like The Office as much as I do, it's finally back on tonight!! Let's pray Holly gets it together and falls for Michael! ;) We need something worthwhile for the final season. Tear.

Happy Thursday to everyone!

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