Saturday, January 15, 2011

4am...anyone out there?

4am and wide awake!

Well, I am not completely wide awake...I just can't sleep but I guess by now, I am getting used to the unpredictability of my sleeping habits. Yes, great preparation.

I literally cannot remember the days when my body let me sleep for more than 8 hours without ANY interruption or any recollection of dreams the next morning. But as I learned VERY well in college, it's possible to survive and thrive, on little sleep. In college, it was my choice to sleep so little by booking night-nanny jobs and waking up so early to run. Maybe that was my subconsciousness foreshadowing my future need to live the same lifestyle...not so much by choice now...well, sort of ;)

Yesterday I was feeling pretty nauseous and had a major onset of allergies. Weird. Hopefully today will be better but fortunately, I have time to rest and catch up on my sleep. It will be cupcake baking, errand running, and a cleaning day to prepare for Jamie's going away gathering tomorrow :) Hard to believe she is really moving. It comes at the best and worst of times. Best because I am very distracted by having a baby and Worst because I am having a baby. You look at her for 2 seconds though, and realize how happy she is and how right this move is. It fills my heart. Jamie is just going to continue to "move mountains". Talk about fun to watch.

It will be nice to see family and friends tomorrow and then Monday should be a great day! A 9:30am 8th! And a 3pm massage and the wonderful Joya Spa! Just as an fyi, Mondays they have their "happy hour" rates (aka, 1/2 off)...very hard to pass up at 37 weeks pregnant.

Well, off to go do something. Something quiet because Daisy has been giving me the evil eye ever since I disrupted her precious sleep. Hopefully the sun comes up soon...a nice morning stroll would be nice. REALLY nice if it induced labor ;)

Annnnd, hopefully all my blog followers are snuggled in their beds right now and the sun will be high and bright before this entry is read :)


  1. haha Daisy you and Sherman would get along, ever since Brady came along he sits in the corner and rolls his eyes, gives us dirty looks, etc. Yay for full term Avery!!! Enjoy every minute of being pregnant, believe it or not you will miss it (or at least I do, maybe I am strange), but of course nothing beats having the little baby in your arms!!!

  2. Yay for Joya! I meant to get there by 2:30 to see you but good 'ole Jerball made me feel guilty about not working (boo!). We LOVED the massage though - and what a great spa! Thanks for the rec, buddy! Hope litte-A loved it too :)
