I was definitely in a much better mood this week when leaving my doctor's appointment than last Tuesday. That's probably surprising since I am still only 1 cm dilated with no real news to report. But in effort to look on the bright side, it is 1 more week closer to my due date and the update on Avery's kidneys was positive! After many ultrasounds throughout this pregnancy (which were more fun than anything) they revealed that although her kidneys are on the larger side within "normal", their range hasn't changed. They've stayed consistent throughout which is a good thing. A piece of good news that put a smile on my face.
Yesterday was her final ultrasound until birth and I still find them so exciting! The ultrasound tech's estimates were a weight of 6 lbs, 15oz with lots of hair and by her opinion..."chubby". Again, sounds like my baby to me :)
But if I am being completely honest, my attitude these days hasn't been as chipper cheery as the above paragraphs lead on. I am fighting every day to remain patient and positive! The truth is, I am done with ulrasounds...I want to SEE my baby! Call me greedy but it's all I can really think about. I guess I am just what they call "ready". I am working hard to stay motivated and productive at work and continuing to answer the VERY COMMON question..."you're still here??". Yes people, yes I am. ;)
16 days is better than 100 days though. Besides, it's not like I am the first woman in the world to be emotionally overdue. I can do this!...
Hang in there! You can totally handle 16 more days :) xox Jess