Saturday, November 12, 2011

They weren't kidding!

Things really do change drastically once your baby learns to crawl!

I love it and am so proud of her but woah. Forget the need for a conventional workout. I swear the key to any weight loss remedy must involve chasing a toddler. Why hasn't Biggest Loser incorporated that segment yet? Genius.

And yes, that is coming from someone who is gaining weight daily despite this added cardio but I will blame that solely on pregnancy. Oh and eating whatever I want. Wink.

But crawling hasn't been the only significant development in the last 7 days!

Avery got her 1st tooth! Finally, this drooling has revealed its purpose. I'm not sure if it was more challenging for Avery to pop that sucker through or for me to try and capture it in a photo. Nonetheless, bitter beer face to the rescue!

And a few other adorable additions??? She now dances, claps her hands and waves! Talk about throwing a lot at us in a short period of time. It's like we just picked up a new kid from summer camp and am amazed at her accomplishments!

Lastly, because I feel a bit like I am beating around the bush, what I'm trying to say is this:


I love that face!

And this one of course, too!

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