Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Our First Thanksgiving as a Family!

Aside from not getting to see my family this Thanksgiving (Dad fightin' them fires!), it was a nice day and we had such a great time visiting with Chris' family (my family too, of course!).

We headed to Aunt Jeri's around 3pm for a delicious "nibble" before dinner. Avery gets gobbled up when she's over there and loves every minute of it! At this age, she's observant enough to remember certain people and it's always so cute to see who she lights up around! Without fail, the Butts' girls receive big Avery smiles!

We spent the rest of the evening at Chris' dad's house for a very yummy Thanksgiving feast! I LOVE being pregnant during the holidays! I may miss my wine but no one seems to question my third piece of pumpkin pie. Okay, not third piece but second, yes I may have a second! ;) Yum. Yum.

I know I say this ALL the time, but really, Avery was such a good little girl the whole day. We set up her pack n' play in their bedroom and when I went to check on her a few minutes later she was sound asleep!...but laying in throw-up! Poor little thing had puked and then fell asleep with her face in it. It broke my heart so I scooped her up for a good ol' Thanksgiving Day clean up. Wow...a lot of action for Avery James. I'm pretty sure I was bothered by this reality more than she was. She just wanted to sleep.

But sadly didn't get to really snuggle in her bed until 9:15pm. I had a bad feeling this was going to screw up her excellent sleeping streak. Sure enough, a major melt down occurred between 4:40am and 6:00am. I mean, MAJOR melt down. Grrrr. We were doing so well.

I hope, HOPE tonight will be A LOT better.

I love my routines but do not adjust well when they go astray. I suppose I will need to learn how to incorporate this great sleep training into "life's" happenings.

Nonetheless, it was a wonderful holiday and yes siree, Christmas is right around the corner! I can hardly wait!...

Oh! And another cool point about this year's Thanksgiving?? It marked my "HALF-WAY POINT" in this pregnancy!!!!!!!!!!...

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