Friday, March 25, 2011

Sleeping through the night?...I think not!

As my maternity leave comes to an end in the next couple of weeks, I am soaking up every minute with Aves. Hmmm, as if I haven't been doing that already for the last 8 weeks. 8 weeks? How is that possible?! Boy am I redundant these days.

I would love to be that first time mom that happily types the good news that her baby is yes...wait for it...sleeping through the night.

But, that would be far from the truth because we are in fact, not even close. The perfectionist in me kinda wants to exaggerate...perhaps even lie. But I chose for my approach on motherhood to leave perfectionism behind even before I became a mommy. I just want my family, my household to be happy.

Despite not achieving long stretches of sleep at night yet, I am much more directed and on the right path thanks to the wonderful Heather! She has her hands full with a toddler and a baby as young as Aves and yet finds time to write me lengthy emails filled with "sleep advice". I am so thankful. I'm not sure why...but her advice speaks to me far more than any book I have read so far. The minute she decides to write a book of her own, I will let you all know immediately. ;)

Another crazy insight to waking up every two hours throughout the night? It means more time with my baby girl. I told you it was crazy. But again, this little sleep I can somehow handle. Back to my college days. Before I know it, she will be sleeping through the night, overnight at a friends, away on a school trip, and moving into her first dorm room. You get the point. So for now, I choose my baby over sleep.

I pray the transition back to work goes smoothly. I know it will be hard but I decided to do the most "unlike Kelley" thing possible...I am going to take one day at a time.

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