Nat and I lived next door to each other our Freshman year and she first reached out to me because she was doing a favor for a good guy friend who had a slight crush on me. It didn't take long to realize that John and I weren't meant for each other but Nat and I were!! Our friendship was instant and we were officially inseparable for the next 4 years. That cloudy day at the campus cafe, I was meeting a best friend for life.
In the past 10 years, we have gone through so much together. We've laughed together more than I can explain. We cried during tough times and also from laughing too hard :) It was because of her, I finally, really came out of my shell. We actually have hours of video that document our college craziness, pages and pages of scrapbooks that illustrate the countless memories we've shared and enough pictures to fill hundreds of photo albums.
Although college served as the foundation to our friendship, we have since gone through many life experiences together despite living in different states. Chris is one heck of a roommate but no one will ever be able to hold a candle to the 4 years I got to live with Nat!
She is a woman I admire in every way. When I spend time with her, it's never enough. She's hilarious, kind, THOUGHTFUL, personality-plus, GORGEOUS, considerate, and overall incredible. I get so sad that we don't live near each other but love that we can go 2 years and 8 months without seeing one another, and pick up exactly where we left off! ;)
Her visit was so much fun and went by in a blink! Each morning we sat outside on the couch, sipped coffee, reminisced about the past and talked about life as we know it today. Chris and Nat were able to spend more time together than they did around wedding time which was so important for me! I really wanted each of them to see what wonderful people I bring into my life! hahaa - kidding. But yet....
It was a very busy weekend but also had enough down time that we could have our much desired, quality time together. It turns out, I love her just as much as I always have, if not more. So as you can imagine, it was a goodbye filled with tears and a prayer for another visit sooner than later.
Below are a few highlights from the wonderful NAT IN AZ weekend!
The Airport Pick Up!
Yes, I was the giddy pregnant woman at the airport gates holding a huge balloon and a "Welcome Roommate" sign but I just couldn't help myself! I was bursting at the seams to see Natters! We couldn't believe how many "compliments" we received at the airport for the balloon?! The best part was when the kind gentleman who snapped our picture asked us in all seriousness "Is this a new roommate or an old roommate?" and hilarious Nat responded "we just met on Craigslist!!" hahahaa! To which he replied "wow, you sure seem to be hitting it off!" ...Already the trip was off to a great start!
Poor Chrissy Cat usually finds only James and I snuggled in the infamous "cloud" so imagine his surprise to walk into this!
My desperate attempt for Nat to experience the "cloud" to the fullest degree! The "cloud" is yet to have a bad review!
Baby Shower Bliss!
A fun night out at Cowboy Ciao :)
So cute! It was so nice to meet Natalie - you guys are adorable.