Monday, November 1, 2010

600 and counting...

At 8:30pm, Mrs. Pott (our neighborhood-pencil-passer-outter) had given away 500 pencils and 100 pieces of candy! It was a record year on Wagon Wheel and by the end of the evening left me wondering if a "school night" still means what it did when I was growing up!

We had yet another fabulous Halloween on the wheel and it definitely remains my favorite neighborhood tradition! Chris' family stopped by early in the evening for some appetizers, drinks, and candy while Jamie, Lisa and Jason arrived in time for the main, and the peak of the trick and treaters! All the while my mom and Glenda held strong as our candy givers and wow, what a job they did! Their disbursement and timing was perfect because by 9pm with just a few pieces of candy left, we were able to call it a night and close shop. I am sooo thankful for all their hard work! One little costume after the other...they barely had time to eat dinner!

It was such a fun Sunday night and our very last Halloween before Chris and I have a little one of our own to dress up! How exciting! Although Avery won't be able to eat any of the candy...I can hardly wait to think up all of the cute costume ideas she can model!

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