Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Daily Grind.

After returning from Natalie's wedding weekend, we had no time to recover.  In fact, the opposite.  We
had two kids with bad colds that I caught immediately.  Down for the count.  Bummer.  

Fortunately, I felt better after a couple days so I could get back to our usual grind.  Well, sort of.  These colds meant no school for the pups so we had to improvise and find fun household activities to fill our days.  Imagine what grand plan I came up with!  POTTY TRAINING.  Yup.  It was time.  So far, we have been much more successful than I expected.  Aves has done an incredible job adapting to this new "lifestyle".  I went in with an old fashioned approach called bribery and boy has it worked wonders.  Ice cream for poo poo?  Why the heck not.  And yes, I just typed poo poo.

With just a few accidents under her belt (pun intended)...we are on our way.  I am beyond proud of her!      It's been challenging work for both of us and calls for professional patience; not my best quality.  But with that said, it has definitely been funny.  On day two, she hopped on the potty and let out a big ol' toddler toot.  To which she responded "Oh mom!  There's an elephant in my bottom!".  

I laughed SO hard.  I love observing this emerging personality.  

By midweek, we were ready to head outdoors.  Desperately ready.  Fall is quickly approaching so we practically ran to the zoo.  That's where we realized Fall has yet to arrive because no one was there.  Still too hot folks.  So with a $54 gift shop purchase of hats (gulp) we managed to still have a great time!
They love the monkeys!
And just when you'd think we had enough wildlife for the week, we decided to try out the Butterfly Wonderland!  It was so awesome and the kids loved it; especially Warner!  The butterflies were abundant and literally flew all around and even on you!  Avery's slight hesitation of these flying creatures was lessened by Warner's loud and adorable giggles.  As usual, he was turning heads!  ;)

But for most of the week, it was back to business.  Bath time.  Story time.  Grocery shopping.  You do what you gotta do.

Mom, I'm gonna need a spot.
But how could I forget last night?  Daddy-daughter date night (with Warner)!  Just this time at least because I had a previously scheduled dinner with my girlfriends.  Chris took Aves and Warner to meet their cousin Lexi and uncle Drew at Chuckee Cheese's!  Talk about one cool Monday night!  They had a great time and surely enjoyed the quality time with Daddy.  No moms allowed!  ;)

Aunt James getting Avery dolled up for her date!  What they call "The Beauty Shop".
Daddy-Daughter date night!
Uh oh!  This was my exact face on scary rides as a child!
I feel ya buddy!
Cousin love.  Clearly Avery had a change of hair plans after visiting the beauty shop.

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