Monday, February 7, 2011

Welcome to the world Baby Aves!...

She's here!

Oh how I have longed to finally work on the entry announcing my precious baby girl! Avery James Morrison was born on January 30, 2011 at 10:23am...1 week early!

She weighed 7 lbs, 7 ounces and measured 19.5 inches long. Just as the ultrasound tech had warned us many times, she has SO much hair and boy is it dark! It will be so exciting to see what color her hair and eyes turn into but I can tell you that I am in no hurry whatsoever. I have been looking for a pause button ever since she arrived!

As you can imagine, there are so many details to our labor experience but I will do my best to sum up!

After my amazing day on Friday, I woke up feeling sick and emotional on Saturday. My morning walk only lasted about 1.5 miles before Jamie called and convinced me to come hang out at her house...(it didn't take much convincing). But my visit with James just consisted of me taking a nap until I left around 5 and crawled into my bed at home. I felt exhausted and as though I had a cold coming on. And then it began...just after 6pm, the infamous contractions started! I felt a sharp pain that wasn't much like those menstrual-like cramps I had thought were contractions. These good ol' contractions started about 30 minutes apart and it wasn't until 2:30am when they were 6 minutes apart, that I finally decided to call the hospital and ask for their guidance. Keep in mind, I am still in denial that I am in labor. The contractions hurt, were getting strong, and closer together but I still thought they would just go away. I know, crazy girl. But a week early seemed too good to be true!

Th nurse told me to get up and walk around to get my body into labor and to come in when they were 3-4 mins apart. Well, after 2 laps around my living room, they were 2 minutes apart and brought me to my knees. It didn't take long for Chris to say "I will load up the car"!

They aren't kidding when they say "you'll know it's the real thing!" The contractions kicked my butt but it was incredible to experience "going into labor". I received my epidural soon after we arrived at the hospital and boy was I happy! My family had arrived just then to see me in very cheery spirits! I highly recommend this wonderful drug ;) Unfortunately though, mine wore off after 2 hours because my 8am, the doctor came into break my water and although the nurse said I would feel pressure so I could still know when to push, I had to call her back in because the pain was as bad as when I got there. She decided to check me just in case and said to Chris and I..."I now know why you are in so much are at 9 & 3/4 dilated...we are going to have this baby right now!" What!?!?! Not what we expected her to say! So 4 hours after arriving at the hospital and 30 minutes worth of pushing, Avery was here!

It was the most magical experience of my life. I still keep replaying it over in my mind because it's my best memory to date and I think it always will be! I will say, I think I was really blessed with my delivery experience. I have heard many different stories and mine seemed to go so smoothly. Chris did an incredible job and I could not have done it without him! He coached me along every step of the way and even cut the cord. Avery couldn't take her eyes off of him after she was born but I don't blame her in the least! ;)

It's hard to believe it's now been over a week since she was born but it has been an incredible week! Of course we are on little sleep and trying to adjust, but every minute she keeps me awake, are minutes I get to spend with her! Yes, I am simply in love!

...stay tuned for our "1st Week at Home with Avery" Entry!...

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