Monday, July 19, 2010

Bun in the Oven!

Oh the long awaited blog to say Chris and I are expecting! We are due February 5, 2011! Although our plan was to start "trying" after this summer, we decided on one lovely, May day to "not be so careful" since we've heard it usually takes a few months. It only took us 24 hours to change our minds and realize that was a little too risky. Result after one day of careless fun? Bun in the Oven! As you can imagine, we were both very surprised! I believe Chris' exact words were "we are never using your math again" - since after we changed our mind, I thoroughly convinced him and myself that we were safe and in the clear. Whoopsies!

We found out after our party-filled Memorial Day weekend since those infamous symptoms started creeping up on me! I actually cried out of fear when we found out (perhaps it was because I didn't get to say goodbye to Wine and have the proper closure?) but it only took a day for the excitement to settle in!

After a couple weeks of nausea in the early weeks, I have been feeling great! Just exhausted with some occasional headaches! We were able to see the heartbeat at 6 weeks (most incredible moment ever!) and then again just last week!

I have a strong feeling it's a girl but we shall see! I took the Intelligender test a week ago (thanks to the wonderful Jen Brigham) and it said a girl! Everything is pointing in that direction :) We should know more on the 26th! I will keep you all updated!


  1. yipeeeee!! baby morrison looks beautiful already. love you guys!

  2. Yay! Congratulations!!! You guys are going to have so much fun!!!

  3. It is a Girl! I know it :)
