Thursday, July 22, 2010

Life as a Camper!

After a busy week in Vegas, we headed up North (just south of Mund's Park) for a night of camping to celebrate Dad and Ann's 20th Wedding Anniversary! I cannot believe it has already been 20 years, but even then, there was no doubt in my mind they would last forever (I was an insightful child) ;)

Their marriage has had more of an impact on me than I think they will ever realize. It has been the sole reason for my belief that I too, deserved a fairytale. And that although fairytales come in all shapes and sizes, they exist. I got to grow up in a household and observe what it looks like when a man and a woman truly love eachother. And even more importantly, treat each other as such.

When I was 6 years old and my parents got divorced, something clicked in me. I made a decision at that very moment that I refuse to ever settle when it comes to relationships. That marriage to me, will be a really significant decision and that I want my future husband to feel the exact same way.

Oh yes, fairytales and true to real life (sarcasm). But all it meant to me was that I had a dream and hope to focus on as I grew.

And watching their marriage continue to grow in the most perfect way, I realized that maybe this childhood dream of mine is something I could obtain.

I like to think that I have and to date, I believe that I did. My husband is a blessing. Although we could still be considered newlyweds, I only hope to one day be celebrating our 20th Anniversary.

So here's to my wonderful Dad and the unbelievable Ann...

Thank you for showing me what happens when you persevere through "thick and thin", and how you treat each other in "sickness and in health". I love you both so very much! Congratulations on your 20th Wedding Anniversary!

Dear First Trimester...

Dear First Trimester,

I know that you and I have had our ups and downs but overall, I appreciate the role you have played. I realize we got off to a bad start...what with the tears, mixed emotions and of course, the few weeks of nausea you thought you'd throw my way. And as much as I appreicted the nausea fading quickly, you went ahead and replaced it with exhaustion, teenage acne and migraine headaches. You are tricky.

However, it would be rude if I didn't mention your good sides, like allowing me to see my baby's heartbeat for the first time at 6 weeks and then again at 10 weeks. These random acts of kindness really made up for your overall mean-spirted nature (I know what you did to my friend Jordan)!

But it is with no regrets that I say goodbye. I would be lying if I said I haven't heard excellent things about your wiser, prettier older sister, Second Trimester. From what I hear, she's a treat! Something about more energy, no nausea or exhaustion. Oh! And she even tells you the sex of your baby and causes your baby to kick so you can feel him/her. You have to admit, she sounds just splendid!

One last thing, if you could please take all this anxiety with you on your way, it would be dooley noted. Until we meet again, let's try and think about how you can improve for my next lil' baby.

But the truth is, you did keep my baby safe and well and for that I must say, you're not so bad First Tri!

"Punkin's Mommy"

Monday, July 19, 2010

Bun in the Oven!

Oh the long awaited blog to say Chris and I are expecting! We are due February 5, 2011! Although our plan was to start "trying" after this summer, we decided on one lovely, May day to "not be so careful" since we've heard it usually takes a few months. It only took us 24 hours to change our minds and realize that was a little too risky. Result after one day of careless fun? Bun in the Oven! As you can imagine, we were both very surprised! I believe Chris' exact words were "we are never using your math again" - since after we changed our mind, I thoroughly convinced him and myself that we were safe and in the clear. Whoopsies!

We found out after our party-filled Memorial Day weekend since those infamous symptoms started creeping up on me! I actually cried out of fear when we found out (perhaps it was because I didn't get to say goodbye to Wine and have the proper closure?) but it only took a day for the excitement to settle in!

After a couple weeks of nausea in the early weeks, I have been feeling great! Just exhausted with some occasional headaches! We were able to see the heartbeat at 6 weeks (most incredible moment ever!) and then again just last week!

I have a strong feeling it's a girl but we shall see! I took the Intelligender test a week ago (thanks to the wonderful Jen Brigham) and it said a girl! Everything is pointing in that direction :) We should know more on the 26th! I will keep you all updated!

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Well folks, the wedding is over and we will be leaving Vegas tomorrow. I am excited to go home and see my lil' pups!

Chris' brother got married this evening and since I am here blogging, it was an earlier wedding and winded down a couple hours ago. Since I have been exhausted these days, it worked out well because I am now snuggled in bed, blogging away.

We got here Tuesday night and after 3 room changes (Room 1 - Smoking Room; Room 2 - No a/c; Room 3 - (they now upgraded us) we get there and the room is trashed...they never cleaned it since the last guests, soooooo enter Room 4 - (we are so not the complainer people) but we got upgraded to a really nice suite with a separate living room. We will take it!

Wednesday was my favorite because Chris and I spent a few hours by the pool laying out with lunch and drinks :) This is also the day when Wheel of Fortune was my friend. We went to the rehearsal dinner at The Burger Bar and then headed to New York New York to ride the roller coaster :)

I was pretty tired this morning since I woke up for a 7:20 conference call and then quickly headed to Starbucks for some joe...let's just say it was an $84.00 cup of coffee. Wheel of Fortune? NOT my friend today. I thought we could hug and make-up when I went down 2 hours later to get Chris some coffee....turns out his costs $75. Sadly, I learned my lesson (and I ran out of gambling money) ;) Phooeee...

After a nice breakfast with fam, it was getting ready time...Robin came over soon after so I could do her hair. The wedding was at 3 and was pretty and brief. Drew and Jenn got married at the Mandalay Bay and then had their reception in their suite upstairs with a great view.

I will add some more pictures if I get them but here are some for now at least...

Friday, July 9, 2010

Birthday Fun Continued?

Oh the intensity on my face! That wish better come true! ;)

I think that the key to birthdays is stretching them out as long as possible! ;)

If that means having a fabulous dinner with some amazing friends a few days after you rang in the birthday, then by all means!

I had such a wonderful night at Chelsea's Kitchen with an incredible group of girls. I adore my girlfriends and had such a blast visiting, laughing and catching up!

Thank you all, for an excellent evening!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Birthday Bliss!

I had yet another wonderful birthday yesterday! I turned the big 28! The day started out with walking into work to see my desk completely decked out with birthday decor! It didn't take me long to guess that Barry's team had something to do with it but I latered discovered that it was Barry alone! He is too thoughtful and put a big smile on my face :) Jamie met me at Starbucks with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a sweet card!
After a few hours at work, Chris and I met my Dad and Ann at Caramba' favorite! Then James came over and I took her to the airport to go see Jereme for the weekend!

The best part of the day was Chris cooking me dinner! This is one of my very favorite meals that Chris made me in the early days of our relationship (when he was a little more focused on impressing me!) :) Chris surprised me with my Ray Ban sunglasses; the same model that I crushed in California! I was soo excited! And of course, with Chris, it doesn't stop, we had a 50 minutes couples' massage at The Montelucia and a day by the pool. What an amazing birthday!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy Birthday "Chrissy Cat" ;)

Has it been a year already? Little Chris is now 29! Soon, I will be married to a man in his thirties - isn't that something? ;)

Or as Chris likes to say to me, "pretty soon...I'm gonna need to trade you in for a newer model!" Oh the romance...that actually cracks me up everytime he says it!

Chris' birthday was pretty low key this year but we did have an incredible dinner at Cowboy Ciao (we are obsessed) and later met up with James and Jereme at Kona! It was a wonderful spin to the evening!

It's crazy to think Chris and I have celebrated the last 6 birthdays together! He's been such an amazing part of my life and now, I can't imagine it without him. Here's to celebrating countless more birthdays together!...