We blinked and there went Summer! Fortunately, the summer left us with many lasting memories that I'm hoping to share on this blog.
So just when you think school is still 3 weeks out, you glance at your calendar to realize it's next week! I am so excited for this school year! Avery began her first day of Pre-Kindergarten this past Wednesday and loved it! Aves has always adjusted to school very well so seeing that satisfied and wide smile pleased my heart.
Warner's first day and last year of preschool started yesterday! Are you ready for this? NO tears and not even a "mommy cling"! His comfort level has surely evolved and it doesn't hurt that he has the same wonderful teacher that Avery had last year.
Two milestones: Avery's last year at PVUMC and Warner's last year of preschool. Wow. There's a word for this isn't there? Bittersweet. Oh how bittersweet.
And just as Avery & Warner have evolved at PVUMC, I quickly realized this week that I too, have found my home there in unexpected ways. It's nearly impossible to not meet amazing women, mothers of your children's peers and feel inspired and attached to a community.
The other unexpected leap this year was pairing with a good friend, Mary, to be the "room moms", in Avery's classroom! I always thought I'd fall into this role the moment it was offered to me. Turns out, it took 3 years to muster up the courage but here we go! Btw, the other word you could use for my so called courage would be "Mary". She's perfect in every sense of the word so I'm in good hands!! ;) I'm thrilled to take this on though and participate in Avery's class as much as I can. It's such a blessing that I don't take for granted! Last year, I was so overwhelmed with GeoFarm that such a role was out of question!
Here are their classic first day of school pics to mark the special moments! Melt my heart!...