Saturday, January 24, 2015

**Title Pending!**

Happy 2015 Everyone!

Let's start with some food for thought.  I posted about 2 entries last year.  Yep.  Two.  The memories were endless, but clearly I fell short in documenting those precious, sweet memories.  As no surprise to any, time continues to tick faster each year and although you think you're going to remember every perfect don't.  I don't.

So, I bet you can guess my goal for this year?  No.  It's not to blog consistently and narrate these special moments.  The goal is to TRY.  To try documenting our daily routines, my ever-blossoming kiddos, their little sayings, perfect snapshots and expanding personalities.  I can't NOT.  There is just TOO much I CAN'T afford to ever forget.

So whether it's a matter of posting pictures and brief narrative, so be it.  I have no doubt I will thank myself in years to come!

I hope my posts at least double this year but I might as well start somewhere. goes nothing!

I have never been busier in my life.  Well, it sure feels that way.  No.  I actually have not.

Avery is in her 2nd year of preschool, Warner in his 1st (not counting the Rainbow Room last year!).  They LOVE it (most days) and especially "Friday donut day" which is one thing we remain incredibly consistent on!

One year ago this week, I offered to help Chris with the billing of a little company he launched called, Geographic Farm.  Little did I know, it would turn into my (2nd) full-time job over night and essentially, Baby #3.  It. became. my. baby. #3.  WOW.  Did not see this one coming but that business degree itch kept my pushing for its path to reach full potential.

We are sooo far from Geographic Farm's full potential but I say that in the most optimistic way!  The excitement of where we've come in just one year is sometimes, hard to believe.  We have recently partnered with Tom Ferry (I will let you do the research on this incredible, successful and very inspirational businessman)...Google will tell the details.  But to say it's a gigantic leap in the right direction is an understatement.

God is good.

Have I had my doubts, fears, worries and concerns during this endeavor?  Of course.  But God has a consistent way of planting guidance in your heart even if you forget to ask the right questions.

I am person that loves thrives on being productive/busy!  But that too, comes with a lesson.  When to say no and having to say no to the things you don't want to.

I wouldn't be able to do all I enjoy (being with my babes, date nights, running, time with friends, bible study, organizing...), if it weren't for the incredible people in my life.

Among many, my mom has been an absolute instrumental person in the above stated paragraph.  She has stepped up more than I could possibly thank her for.  Aves & Ner Ner are in love with Gramzie and thanks to many date nights, Chris and I get...well, Chris & Kel time.  Too Cool!!

What else?  What else?  Our house is for sale and we are building another.  A one-story and I am ecstatic.  So so excited!!  I love our house so much but this new move is one I am giddy about.  I will track the progress over the next 4-5 months (hopefully it will be done by then!!).

Chris?  He's amazing as usual.  Morrison Residential continues to thrive with wonderful agents!  He works so hard to provide for our family in countless ways.  I continue to be in awe of him 10 years later...

Avery?  OH AVERY.  That heart.  That sweet, genuine heart that will melt at the moment she feels you're disappointed in her.  Something I can relate so well to.  Fortunately, we are rarely, I mean RARELY disappointed in her.  She is such a sweet, sweet daughter and an even better sister.  She will give up anything if it means she can keep Warner from crying.  I love every single thing about her.  She's become so goofy.  She wants to hide behind me when entering her classroom just to joke with her teachers.  She's the leader at the playground and creates games for all the kids to play.  She loves Peppa Pig, chocolate milk, Barbies, and Campbell Plas (her best friend).  She is so tall.  She takes such initiative in everything.  Getting dressed, putting shoes on, grabbing a snack.  But beware, DO NOT try and brush her hair.  That's just scary.

Warner.  Knock on wood but we may, just may be passed those terrible two's.  It's a real thing, folks.  And just when we thought Avery gave us a little taste, Warner proved to us terrible should be capitalized with a T.  And to even use the word terrible aches me because I know we have it owe so good!!!!

"Mom, mom mom mom mom up!!mom mom,up!!! mom!!!!!, mom mom up!!  up!!!! mom, mom mom!!!"

That is what I have heard for the last year and continue to.  Technically, I could have always picked him up but he was not my sole responsibility.  He did need to learn independence and still will but my heart wells up with the realization that before long, he will not only NOT want to be picked up by me, but won't want me to drop him off near school.  I can't bare the thought.  And so I pick "up".  Those sweet, chubby cheeks and adorable curly hair.  He too, is perfection in my eyes.  He may cry as much as I used to but that's okay, I will take that forever!  He is the biggest jokester I know and ALL boy!!  He is brilliant at sports already and always wants me within a foot from him if I'm in the room.  Is that not a mother's dream?  He loves his sister!!  He will do anything she wants to and love loves loves to make her laugh!

Avery & Warner.  They have become the best of friends.  Truly.  For the last two months they have created their own beautiful little world and friendship.  I just watch in awe and can't believe how cute that are together!  The games they create are only a snip it of what I imagine Jamie and I played.  I sure hope this lasts!

"Avery?  You want to play cars with me?"

"Warner?  Do you want to play in the secret nook?"

The list goes on.

Now is probably a good time to share a range of pictures which captures quite a few of the above mentioned occurrences...

Look at the beautiful girl.

I may also be training for a marathon with my littles.

I love Starbucks.  Avery loves Starbucks.  But I am pretty sure Warner loves Starbucks the way I love Starbucks!!

Geographic Farm's booth at the Tom Ferry Inner Circle Event 2015!

Getting to run the booth with the best Brother in the world!!!  Matthew Morrison! (uh - who took the blurry photo?!)

Listening to the incredibly charismatic Gary Vaynerchuk at TF Inner Circle 2015! (look him up!!)

Yup.  Our partner, Tom Ferry.  WOW!!  WOW!!

THEY LOVE THEIR AUNT JAMES!!  Aunt James watched the kiddos while we were at the Tom Ferry conference!  Gramzie sure did her share but wow is Aunt James good going to be an incredible mom!
Avery - "Mom!  The lawn helpers are cleaning the grass!!"

Goofballs every hour of every day!

That face.

That cuteness.  Call it Mother's eyes but how can you not see it!!?  ;)

I may have allowed a slumber party in the "middle bed", which is our guest bed but how do you say no to this??!

At Gramzie's house, we just make ourselves at home!  After all, we have our own bedroom at her house!!
Um!  How cool is Aunt James?!  She brings Wall Ball as a surprise guest when she picks us up from preschool!!

Must be close to each other.

Celebrating that Sweet Sydney!

Now this is a great party!

Ahhh!!!  Elsa made snow!

My two most handsome men!!

That smile.

All aboard!

Girls go to a birthday party?!  Dad takes me to the train park!  Coolest Dad ever!!