Sunday, August 4, 2013

now that was a vacation!

We are officially back in AZ after a month long vacation in San Diego.  Notice the word "officially".  Although we have technically been back for a week, I only just now feel settled.  From diapers to paddle boards, all has been put back in place and cleaned...thoroughly.  I have a sickness.

Of course it is blogging that has suffered once again.  But it's clear this blog is loyal and apparently didn't mind the month break.  I think?

We had such a wonderful time and know the kids felt the same; they were instant beach babies.  We were spoiled with grandparent love with week long visits from Gramzie, Nanny & Grandad, and Nana!  And then Uncle Jay even blessed us with his presence the last few days of the trip!  Each of these house guests were not only excellent company, but a huge help in chasing after two-unnamed toddlers. It was a blast!  Overall, the trip was better than expected and left us with great memories and the urge to do it again next year.  It didn't take us long to settle into a general routine.  Morning runs along the beach with kiddos; stop for coffee and play at the bay; afternoon naps and evening grilling.  Hmmm...not a bad a gig and I'd say we fit right in ;)  But as much as I love California...say it with me...there's no place like home.  And coming home?  I loved!

So with the collection of many pictures to post hanging over my head, I figured I might as well tackle this "catch up" approach in a few different entries.  I have NO idea how I am going to narrow down all the great pictures I have but here goes...

Playing at the Bay!
My birthday date night!
My birthday surprise!
This way Gramzie!  I'm hungry!
A LOT of sand to wash off EVERYDAY!
The kids having a blast with Gramzie!
My boys!
Old Town!  Delicious mexican food everywhere you turned.  This town was made for me!
A bit tart?
She's a natural.
Pure joy.
Zoo adventure.  And I mean adventure.  That was a day to remember and I always will!
It felt like we were on the set of Jurassic Park.  Truly.  I had my game face on though.  For the kids of course.  ;)
There's always time for a little face painting.
Well look who we found!  A last minute playdate success!

Pack N' Play pile up!
Everyone loves Ben!
Told ya!
There was some serious bonding with these two over the trip!
Now that's a man right there.
Not sure I will miss the sand.
How do you possibly put a caption on this one?
My love.
Just one of the boys.
We'd be rich if we cashed in all our beach hours!
A princess in every setting.
Fashion forward.
The COLD days :)
Dancing with Grandad.  LOOK at her happy face!  It's like watching my childhood from my eyes.  Amazing.
My love, too!

Even sharing her pink diapers!

Big boy.
Seriously.  Buds!
Morning at Coronado park!
Nanny snuggles are impossible to turn down!
I just learn to walk and they bring me to this walking obstacle course!
Oreos from Grandad.  Messes for mom.  Smiles for Warner.
Nana time!
Yay for another date night!