Oh I remember that post with Avery's pregnancy! Especially since it wasn't too long ago ;)
9 days to go! Orrrrrr just 3 days depending on which due date I choose to use. Obviously the April 6th due date has a much bigger appeal and accuracy even my dr. agrees with. I am such a math nerd.
However, after my doctor's visit yesterday, it looks like I have at least another week to go. I guess math cannot overrule Mother Nature herself.
For the last couple of weeks, I have literally had a good day followed by a bad. Repeat over and over again. The last week especially has been filled with nausea, a horrible back ache and painful braxton hicks contractions. Not to mention, very little sleep. Although this has been a good pregnancy for the most part, the last month of this one has just been mean. That is the best word for it. Just plain MEAN.
I have another ultrasound tomorrow since he continues to measure small. Ohhh how they love to keep you on your toes.
But if I am going to stand tall to my prayers, then I must act in patience and be filled with trust.
Like any other mom, the anticipation to finally hold your healthy baby in your arms is both justified and deserved.
I'm thankful to all the people reaching out to check in and see how I'm feeling. I wish I had something to report but it will be soon enough!
Soon enough...