Thursday, February 23, 2012

Some randoms...

A look into Avery's days...

Watching my morning cartoons...

Out grocery shopping!

Must get every last drop!

More morning cartoons but in my very favorite spot!

Eating can be SO hysterical!

Ohhhhhhh Mom!

Aves & Piper having such a good time together!

Friday, February 17, 2012

32 weeks and counting...

I cannot believe I am already in my 8th month of this pregnancy!

Although I feel incredibly patient with this pregnancy, I am getting very excited to meet my little boy! I could easily be wrong but I am just gonna say it now: I will be early with this one! Perhaps I will be just a week early like I was with Avery but I don't know...something tells me it will be even sooner than that.

We shall see. I was right about "knowing I was pregnant" and "knowing it was a boy" sooooo????

Fortunately my pelvic pain has eased up a bit. It was replaced with a nasty cold that will not go away! Did anyone else get this horrible cold that's going around? Grrr...

Other than that, feeling wonderful and in full blown nesting mode! I got a little out of control today and feel soooo great about what I accomplished.

After resting in the morning to try and fight this cold, one thing lead to the other and Organizing Kelley took over ;)

I cleaned and organized Avery's room from top to bottom, re-designed/re-organized her play area, washed and steamed all baby bottles & pacifiers for Warner...and quite a few other things!

(the aftermath of steaming many baby dishes!)

I pray I am really feeling better by tomorrow because I have only just scratched the surface of this nesting to-do list!

Family Pictures!

Last Wednesday the Morrison Family set out to another "undisclosed" Arizona location to take our updated family pictures!

This time we captured the sweetness of Avery as a new 1 year old and me and that growing belly! Oh! And the charming eye candy that is of course ;)

After deciding against maternity photos during Avery's pregnancy, I am so glad Bri (our amazing, incredible photographer) convinced me to reconsider this time around!

I know these pictures will be a keepsake forever.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Life overall.

I figured I might as well give a "life overall" update since my blog posts are so sporadic.

Life is good.

I am now just over 30 weeks (will post a belly pic soon) and feeling great! Still, a great pregnancy with little if not zero to complain about.

This last week, I have been hit hard with the darn pelvic pain that crept up strongly in the last month of Avery's pregnancy! It's not pressure or anything like that but instead feels like my pelvic bone is one GIANT bruise with a baby resting COMPLETELY on it all day long. But seriously, nothing to complain about! ;)

Nah. The only thing that makes it tough is not being able to walk without a whole heck of a lot of pain. Translation? Waddle. Yes, I am a waddler and do my absolute best to disguise it at work. I think people are on to me though ;) Ironically, this is the same thing that put me in the hospital with Aves at 35 weeks. Personally, I don't think it's anything worthy of a hospital trip but it seemed to trigger contractions last time so I will watch out for that! I like the idea of an early baby (perhaps a week or two) but not this early!

Work is going well and we are about two weeks away from beginning to train my replacement. As I have said before, it will be a very bittersweet transition but a decision I still feel confident about.

I am excited for the next two months of preparation for our little boy and have no doubt there will be some serious nesting involved. Then again, I am getting pretty tired these days and would much rather play with Baby Aves!

Let the nesting begin when we move to 57th!

Alright, here's to a hopeful increase in my blogging!...

Project 57 Update - Framing Complete!

Yes; it's true. Framing is complete.

Still moving a little behind schedule but at least it's moving along pretty consistently.

Chris and I went by earlier this week and took a bunch of pictures. By yesterday, the framing was finished.

It's amazing to see the house complete in the structural sense and we love the layout. Not to mention, it feels huge and a lot bigger than we thought it would back in the foundation days.

Next step? Plumbing and electrical. It's nice to know that many of the upcoming steps can overlap each other to hopefully expedite the process somewhat.

My guess still sits around a May move in. Potentially even June. Obviously it's creeping awfully close to those HOT months but we could always do a midnight move??? ;)

Ironically, my Dad had a call all the way over in Phoenix and decided to do a drive by! It gave quite the little scare to the construction guys!

Beauford Mystery Solved!

Who would have guessed that MY BLOG had the answer the whole time!!??

Yesterday afternoon I found myself scrolling through old blog posts and low and behold came across this picture from the BriGabel Baby Shower last January!

Why hello there Beauford!

I immediately called Jen Brigham (assuming she has seen the post on Beauford) and she confirmed that it wasn't her and must have been Babbi that bought Beauford for Avery! What a relief to finally know and a fun story to share with the Gabel's.

Those Gabel's. They can do no wrong.

Avery's 1st Birthday!

It's not often you hear people say "boy, time sure does go by slowly" - (well, unless you're pregnant ;).)

As adults, we all seem to agree that "time REALLY flies".

As I get older, I do my best to put a positive turn on it and figure it must mean that life is going well and filled with beautiful moments.




So it is no surprise that this past year...this past AMAZING year has flown by! I have loved every single minute and with no exaggeration confess it's been the best year of my life.

It does feel like yesterday that I was in the last stretch of Avery's pregnancy, waddling around with horrible pelvic pain and intense impatience. It's probably pretty easy to remember since I currently have the same throbbing pelvic pain! hah!

This beautiful little girl has changed our lives in more incredible ways we even knew to prepare for. You truly don't know the power of parenthood until you experience it. It is a beautiful thing and to me, the definition of a blessing.

From her sweet laugh to those chubby legs, she is perfect. What a good baby she has been thus far and an absolutely joy to be around. She has definitely set the bar high for her precious baby brother to come! I have a feeling she will be a great influence.

We had a wonderful time celebrating Avery's 1st birthday this past Sunday in a sea of Duckies! Her favorite! Many friends and family members came to join in the festivities which meant so much to us. I spent a lot of time and energy getting ready for her party over the last month but it was all worth it. I realize she may not remember but I want each milestone and each day of her life to be special and worthwhile.

After all, she deserves it!